Visitors information

‘t Geleeg – Brickworks Museum of the Rupel region
Noeveren 196
2850 Boom


Practical matters::

  • Our tours are by appointment only, see ‘Guided tours‘ for more information.
  • The guided tours always starts at the Nielsestraat on the opposite side of the street of house number 268 (unless otherwise agreed). There is parking for cars or max. 2 coaches/buses.

  • For groups arriving by bicycle it’s better to agree to meet at the ringoven (Noeveren 196), in order to avoid the busy Nielsestraat. The bicyles can be parked safely there.
  • Practical matters can be made via

‘t Geleeg works together with:

  • Cafe De Koophandel

We can make an appointment for those who besides a visit to the museum also wants a drink or a bite to eat.
This can via or